


Duration of training: 5 days

Next session: from, July 3rd until July 7th 2023

Teaching language: English





BioEco graduate school is a winning project of the second national call for projects "Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche" launched in 2020, whose main ambition is to offer each academic site or institution the opportunity to strengthen its specialisation, the impact and international attractiveness of its research and training in one or more scientific fields.

The Life Cycle Assessment Summer School proposed here is an integral part of BioEco graduate school.This action aims to reinforce or complete master and PhD students's training or to access to supplementary knowledge in relation with their initial background. 

For more information about BioEco graduate school click here

LCA Summer School

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a worldwide used methodology for the compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental impacts associated with products, processes or services. Thanks to its holistic perspective - taking into account all the stages from a cradle to grave approach - LCA evaluates the potential impacts related to any economic activity including raw material extraction and processing, distribution, use or consumption, re-use, recycling, and final disposal.

The Summer School course introduces the environmental LCA methodology with applications to real life examples. The course is mainly intended for MSc / PhD students wanting to achieve a first degree of specialization in this field, but also to other people with a specific interest in these topics and a limited amount of time. No prior knowledge of Life Cycle Assessment is needed.

Fully interactive didactical methods used in this Summer School include *Lectures given by researchers and professors active in the field of LCA*, *Individual and group exercises* and *Computer-based practical lectures*.

Event organised and supported by


This Summer School is included in BioEco Graduate School supported by the French State and managed by The French National Research Agency (ANR) under the Investments for the Future program (PIA) ANR-18-EURE-0021


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